Audio Engine API Commands

Created by Jason Carr, Modified on Thu, 14 Mar, 2024 at 9:23 AM by Jason Carr

Items in [ ] are optional values.

"time" can be specified as "30" for 30 seconds or "2:30.5" for 2 minutes, 30 and a half seconds.

SHUTDOWN : Shutdown the Audio Engine.

SET PLAYER POSITION "player id","time" : Set the current playing position of the specified player to the time.

SET LOG SYNC (NOW|"datetime"|"id") : Synchronise the log to the point specified. You can use the parameter NOW to go to the nearest point to now. A valid date time format or the ID from the database for the exact item.

SET LOG RESET ("datetime"|"id") : Reset the logs played, skipped and status fields ready for a log to be synced from the supplied place moving forward. You can also use the playlist name for the date and hour.

SET LOG ENVELOPES "start_datetime",["end_datetime"],[clearall] : Generate envelopes for the log from "start_datetime" to "end_datetime". You can also use the playlist name for the date and hour. Set clearall to 1 to remove any existing envelopes in this range.

SET LOG AIRTIMES "start_datetime",["end_datetime"] : Sort out the airtimes for the log from "start_datetime" to "end_datetime". You can also use the playlist name for the date and hour.

SET LOG OVERSWEEPS "start_datetime",["end_datetime"] : Sort out the over sweep values for the log from "start_datetime" to "end_datetime". You can also use the playlist name for the date and hour.

SET LOG (ON|OFF) : On starts the sequencer loop. Off Stops the sequencer loop.

SET LOG MARKERS OBEY (ALL|AUTO) : Obey markers in auto only if AUTO supplied, otherwise ALL will enable markers in either live or auto.

SET LOG MUSICMASTER RECONCILE "datetime" : Perform a reconcile to MusicMaster for the specified date time. You can also use the playlist name for the date and hour.

SET DATACONTROLLER (ON|OFF) : Turn Data Controller on / off.

SET (AUTO|AUTOMATION) (ON|OFF) : Full automation on / off. On Ignores red stops on the log. Off obeys the red stops on the log.

SET CONTAINER QUEUE "container name",... : Sets the queue / containers that will be used by the sequencer. This is for PlayoutONE. You provide a comma separated list of all containers in the order you want them to be used.

SET CONTAINER MIXPLAY "container name" : Sets the container to be used for the mixplayer.

SET CONTAINER NETPLAY "container name" : Sets the container to be used for the netplayer.

SET CONTAINER GAIN (ALL|"index"|"container name"),"gain" : Set the output gain of the container specified or all containers if ALL is provided - gain = 0.0 to 1.0

SET CONTAINER SLIDE (ALL|"index"|"container name"),"targetgain","time" : Triggers an automated fade to the "targetgain" on the specified container name or "index" channel 1 > 8 over a period of "time". If ALL is provided all containers are actioned.

SET CONTAINER SLIDEMS (ALL|"index"|"container name"),"targetgain","time" : Triggers an automated fade to the "targetgain" on the specified container name or "index" channel 1 > 8 over a period of "time". NOTE: "time" must be provided as milliseconds. If ALL is provided all containers are actioned.

SET STARTUP SCRIPT "script" : Set the startup script for this Audio Engine instance which is a script of commands that run when the Audio Engine is opened.

SET META TEXT "meta" : Sets the meta on any nodes which are streaming.

SET META SEPARATOR "-" : Sets the text used between Title and Artist fields on meta data. Default is the minus sign.

SET TIMEZONE ("id"|"string") : Sets the time zone of the audio engine either using the "id" of the time zone which can be found from GET TIMEZONES or by the serialized time zone string (See Microsoft documentation on TimeZoneInfo)

SET EVENTLOG EXCLUDE "value" : Sets any logging in the event log which you wish to exclude. 0 = Log everything (default), 1 = Audio caching events.

SET AUDIOCACHE (ON|OFF) : Turn on / off audio caching for the sequencer.

SET AUDIOCACHE MEMORYMAX "size" : Set the total maximum memory the audio cache is allowed to use for this engine in MB.

SET AUDIOCACHE FILEMAX "size" : Set the total maximum file size allow to be cached to memory for this engine in MB.

SET INPUT MUTE (ALL|"index"),(ON|OFF) : Set the muted status of one of the inputs - index 1 > 8.

SET INPUT GAIN (ALL|"index"),"gain" : Set the gain of one of the inputs - index 1 > 8, gain = 0.0 to 1.0

SET INPUT SLIDE (ALL|"index"),"targetgain","time" : Triggers an automated fade to the "targetgain" on the specified input "index" channel 1 > 8 over a period of "time". If ALL is provided all inputs are actioned.

SET INPUT SLIDEMS (ALL|"index"),"targetgain","time" : Triggers an automated fade to the "targetgain" on the specified input "index" channel 1 > 8 over a period of "time". NOTE: "time" must be provided as milliseconds. If ALL is provided all inputs are actioned.

SET INPUT DUCK (ALL|"index"),"targetgain","wait","time" : Triggers an automated duck to the "targetgain" on the specified input "index" channel 1 > 8 over a period of "time" then waits for "wait" time before returning to original gain. If ALL is provided all inputs are actioned.

SET INPUT DUCKMS (ALL|"index"),"targetgain","wait","time" : Triggers an automated fade to the "targetgain" on the specified input "index" channel 1 > 8 over a period of "time" then waits for "wait" time before returning to original gain. NOTE: "time" must be provided as milliseconds. If ALL is provided all inputs are actioned.

SET INPUT WAIT (ALL|"index"),"time" : Hold the command processing on the input for the specified input "index" channel for the specified "time". Allows you to put a pause between operations.

SET INPUT WAITMS (ALL|"index"),"time" : Hold the command processing on the input for the specified input "index" channel for the specified "time" in milliseconds. Allows you to put a pause between operations.

SET INPUT STREAM PLAY "index","streamurl" : Routes the streamurl provided through the specified input "index" channel.

SET INPUT STREAM STOP "index" : Stops the stream playing on the specified input "index" channel.

SET SILENCE OFFSET "seconds" : Set the silence offset which is applied to any player playing silence. "seconds" is 1.5 for 1 and a half seconds or 1500 milliseconds.

SET COMMAND DELAY "milliseconds" : Set the split commands delay by "milliseconds".

SET GRAPHICS REDUCE (ON|OFF) : Reduce the graphical usage update on containers and players.

SET ISOLATION (ENTER|LEAVE) : Enter into, or leave, isolation mode. Returns ON if successful entering or a relevant message as to why if not.

SET ISOLATION AUTO (ON|OFF) : Turn on /off automatic isolation activation.

SET ISOLATION ENABLED (ON|OFF) : Turn on the ability to use isolation. Returns the state of the isolation (ON|OFF).

SET STANDYBY (ENTER|LEAVE) : Enter into, or leave, standby mode. Returns ON if successful entering or OFF if it failed to enter.

SET BUILDER TRAFFIC CHECK (ON|OFF) : Turn on or off the traffic import check for the scheduler.

SET BUILDER TRAFFIC IMPORT ("id"|"import name") : Set the traffic import the scheduler will use. You can provide either the numeric "id" of the import or the exact "import name".

SET BUILDER AUTO (ON|OFF|"hour") : Set the auto builder on or off and also use this command to set the hour between 0 > 23 to trigger the auto builder on.

SET ANNOUNCE TIME FORMAT (12|24) : Set the time announcement format to be either 12 hour or 24 hour.

SET LIVEMIC STARTUP (ON|OFF) : Turn on/off the automatic startup of LiveMIC on engine startup.

SET VBAN "command" : Send a command to VoiceMeeter e.g SET VBAN strip[0].mute=1

SET SEGUE OFFSET "seconds" : Set the segue offset which is applied to any player playing. "seconds" is 1.5 for 1 and a half seconds or 1500 milliseconds. So if you set the value to 0.14 this will cause a player extro to have 140 milliseconds taken from it. This is for systems where the sample clock rate isn't accurate.

GET LOG SYNC : Return the ID from the database of the current log item.

GET LOG MARKERS OBEY : Gets the state of the obey markers setting. Returns ALL or AUTO.

GET DATACONTROLLER : Return the status of Data Controller. Returns (ON|OFF).

GET CONTAINER CURRENT ("container name"|"index") : Get the player on container specified in group 0 that's currently playing. If nothing is playing the the top item is returned.

GET CONTAINER GAIN ("container name"|"index") : Get the current gain of the specified container. 0.0 to 1.0

GET PLAYER CURRENT "player id" : Returns JSON information about the player, it's settings and it's current status and play position.

GET (AUTO|AUTOMATION) : Returns the current full automation status. Returns (ON|OFF).

GET STARTUP SCRIPT : Returns the startup script for this Audio Engine instance.

GET STATUS : Returns the current status of the player containers and automation details.

GET META TEXT : Returns the most recent meta update. NOTE: This isn't retrieved from any streams themselves, it's just locally stored in the engine.

GET META SEPARATOR : Returns the current meta separator.

GET TIMEZONE : Gets the current configured time zone as a serialized string.

GET TIMEZONE OFFSET (MINUTE|SECOND) : Get the current configured time zone base utc offset in minutes or seconds.

GET EVENTLOG : Gets the current event logging exclusions.

GET AUDIOCACHE : Returns the current audio caching status. Returns (ON|OFF).

GET AUDIOCACHE MEMORYMAX : Returns the maximum memory size allowed to be used by the audio cache for this engine in MB.

GET AUDIOCACHE FILEMAX : Returns the maximum audio cache memory size allowed for each file for this engine in MB.

GET AUDIOCACHE SIZE : Returns the current memory being used for the audio memory cache for this engine in MB.

GET INPUT MUTE "index" : Return the muted status of the input channel - index 1 > 8. Returns (ON|OFF).

GET INPUT GAIN "index" : Return the gain of the input channel - index 1 > 8. Returns (0.0 > 1.0).

GET INPUT STREAM "index" : Return the current stream playing on the specified input "index" channel.

GET SILENCE OFFSET : Return the current silence offset which is applied to any player playing silence.

GET COMMAND DELAY : Return the current split command delay in milliseconds.

GET MULTISTATION : Return JSON for the station information for the engine.

GET MULTISTATION ID : Return the station id letters.

GET MULTISTATION NUMBER : Return the station number.

GET MULTISTATION NAME : Return the station name.

GET GRAPHICS REDUCE : Return the graphical usage reduction state. Returns (ON|OFF).

GET ISOLATION : Return the current isolation mode. Returns (ON|OFF).

GET ISOLATION AVAILABLE : Return if isolation moode is available. Returns (YES|NO).

GET ISOLATION AUTO : Return the current isolation automatic activation mode. Returns (ON|OFF).

GET ISOLATION ENABLED : Return if isolation is currently enabled. Returns (ON|OFF).

GET STANDYBY : Return the current standby mode. Returns (ON|OFF).

GET STANDYBY AVAILABLE : Return if standby moode is available. Returns (YES|NO).

GET UID PLAYING "uid" : Return if the uid requested is playing.

GET UID JSON "uid" : Return the uid requested as JSON string.

GET BUILDER TRAFFIC CHECK : Returns if the traffic import check is on for the scheduler. Returns (ON|OFF).

GET BUILDER TRAFFIC IMPORT NAME : Returns the exact name of the traffic import being used by the scheduler.

GET BUILDER TRAFFIC IMPORT ID : Returns the numeric id of the traffic import being used by the scheduler.

GET BUILDER TRAFFIC IMPORT LIST (JSON) : Gets a list of the imports available to the scheduler on this engine. Returns a text list, unless JSON is provided which returns the list in JSON format.

GET BUILDER AUTO STATUS : Return the status of the auto builder. Returns (ON|OFF).

GET BUILDER AUTO HOUR : Return the hour the auto builder is looking for.

GET STREAMING : Return the details of any streaming buses and if they're active and / or connected. Returns JSON.

GET STARTED : Return the UTC date and time in SQL format when the engine started.

GET ANNOUNCE TIME FORMAT : Return the current time announcement format. Returns (12|24).

GET LIVEMIC STATUS : Return the state of the LiveMIC engine. Returns (Idle|Connecting|Connected|Disconnecting).

GET LIVEMIC PEERID : Return the current broker id for the engines connection to the broker server.

GET LIVEMIC USERID : Return the current connected user id.

GET LIVEMIC STARTUP : Return the current status of the LiveMIC start at startup option. Returns (ON|OFF).

GET SEGUE OFFSET : Return the current segue offset which is applied to any player playing.

LOAD UID "uid",["container name"],[group],["custom id"],[offset] : Load the specified uid.

PLAY UID "uid",["container name"],[group],["custom id"],[offset] : Immediately play the specified uid.

LOAD SILENCE "time",["container name"],[group],["custom id"] : Load silence for the time specified.

PLAY SILENCE "time",["container name"],[group],["custom id"] : Immediately play silence for the time specified.

LOAD STREAM "streamurl",duration,["container name"],[group],["custom id"] : Load the specified stream.

PLAY STREAM "streamurl",duration,["container name"],[group],["custom id"] : Immediately play the specified stream.

LOAD MIX "container name",group,"uid",hook... : Load the mix of uids specified on the container. E.g: LOAD MIX "Main Player 1",0,"100",0,"1020",0,"1232",0

PLAY MIX "container name",group,"uid",hook... : Immediately play the mix of uids specified on the container. E.g: PLAY MIX "Main Player 1",0,"100",0,"1020",0,"1232",0

PLAY NEXT : Trigger a play next on the log.

PLAY PLAYER "player id" : Play the player with the specified id. NOTE: If you want to play a specific container you need PLAY CONTAINER. This is just for the individual players which are stacked onto containers.

PLAY CONTAINER ("container name"|"index") : Play the specified container by name or by number.

PLAY QUICKKEY "id" : Plays a quick key based on the specified id from the database. NOTE: This doesn't work like the original PlayoutONE command, the id isn't the key number.

LOAD FILE "filename",["container name"],[group],["custom id"],[offset] : Load a file direct to a player and play it.

PLAY FILE "filename",["container name"],[group],["custom id"],[offset] : Immediately play a file direct to a player.

STOP PLAYER "player id" : Stop the specified player. NOTE: If you want to stop a specific container you need STOP CONTAINER. This is just for the individual players which are stacked onto containers.

STOP CONTAINER ("container name"|"index"): Stop the specified container by name or by number.

STOP EVERYTHING : Stops all playing players and stops the log playing.

STOP QUICKKEY ("id"|ALL) : Stops the quick key specified by id or if ALL is specified, then all quick keys will be stopped.

STOP AUTOSTART : Cancels the auto start on startup if within the 20 second countdown.

STOP SERVER : Stop the TCP and the UDP server.

STOP LIVEMIC : Stop the LiveMIC engine.

START SERVER : Start the TCP and the UDP server.

START LIVEMIC : Start the LiveMIC engine. This connects the engine to the LiveMIC broker server and awaits incoming connections.

RESTART SERVER : Restart the TCP and the UDP server.

RESTART LIVEMIC : Recycles the LiveMIC engine and obtains a new broker id from the server.

PAUSE PLAYER "player id" : Pause the specified player.

PAUSE CONTAINER ("container name"|"index"): Pause the specified container by name or by number.

FADE PLAYER "player id" : Fade the specified player.

FADE CONTAINER ("container name"|"index") : Fade the specified container by name or by number.

FADE QUICKKEY ("id"|ALL) : Fades the quick key specified by id or if ALL is specified, then all quick keys will be faded.

CLOSE PLAYER "player id" : Close the specified player.

FADE PREVIOUS PLAYER : Reduces all player lifetimes by 1 and fades any that have reached their limit.

MUTE LOG (OFF|ON) : Make anything playing from the log, silent if on.

Split, Master and DataController

MASTER CALL xxx : Send the command, or commands separated by semicolon, to the connected master engine.

SPLIT CALL xxx : Send the command, or commands separated by semicolon, to the connected split engines.

SPLIT COMMAND STOP : Send a stop to all connected splits.

SPLIT HELLO : What a split sends to a master engine to identify itself as a split. When it does this station data is sent back in JSON.

SPLIT MASTER "machine:port" : Tells the engine what master engine it should be connecting to, The machine can be an IP address or a machine name.

DC HELLO : What a Data Controller sends to a master engine to identify itself as a Data Controller. When it does this station data is sent back in JSON.

DC (OFF|ON) : Turns on Data Controller selective mode.

Template Builder

BUILDER SCHEDULE ("start_datetime",["end_datetime"]|TODAY|TOMORROW) : Schedule from "start_datetime" to "end_datetime". If "end_datetme" isn't supplied then only the hour for "start_datetime" is built. If TODAY or TOMORROW are used then this will automatically deal with the entire day for either today or tomorrow. Returns build status.

BUILDER UNSCHEDULE ("start_datetime",["end_datetime"]|TODAY|TOMORROW) : Unschedule from "start_datetime" to "end_datetime". If "end_datetme" isn't supplied then only the hour for "start_datetime" is unscheduled. If TODAY or TOMORROW are used then this will automatically deal with the entire day for either today or tomorrow. Returns status.

BUILDER CANCEL : Cancel a current schedule / unschedule.

(NOTE: See SET and GET for more builder parameters.) 


SALVO LOAD ("id"|"name"),"inputs|players|ALL" : Load the SALVO specified by the id or name to the matrix you want to apply it to. INPUTS = The input channels. PLAYERS = The player containers. ALL = Both input channels and player containers.


XLOG LOAD "xlog_name" : Load an xLog after the currently loaded xLog.

XLOG CLEAR : Clear the xLog.

XLOG AUTOMATION (OFF|ON) : Change the xLog mode between Auto (ON) and Live (OFF).

XLOG PLAY NEXT : Play the next item in the xLog.

XLOG RESET : Reset the play progress and return play back to the start.

XLOG STOP : Stop the xLog and fade anything currently playing on the xLog. This doesn't return play back to the start and issuing a XLOG PLAY NEXT will continue from where it stopped.

XLOG: "xlog_name" : Used in an xLog itself to indicate the name of the xLog which has been loaded. These are added automatically when an xLog is loaded so that it sections off each loaded xLog.

XLOG META: "meta" : Used on the xLog itself to set xLog Meta.

XLOG MOVE "id","list,of,ids,to,move" : Moves the list of ids to the id position in the xLog.

XLOG COPY "id","list,of,ids,to,move" : Copies the list of ids to the id position in the xLog.

XLOG DELETE "list,of,ids,to,delete" : Deletes the list of ids from the xLog. It will not delete items which have played or skipped and anything currently playing.

XLOG INSERT "uid","title","type","orderposition" : Insert a UID or a Title at OrderPosition in the xLog. If inserting a Title then the UID should be blank. The Type will determine what type the inserted Title will be. So to insert a command you would use XLOG INSERT "","AUTOMATION ON","Command",5 which would insert the command AUTOMATION ON as a command type at position 5 in the xLog.

XLOG TOGGLE FADE "id" : Toggle the fade of the item at the specified row id.

XLOG TOGGLE SPLIT "id" : Toggle the split of the item at the specified row id.

Legacy Commands

(These commands are implemented for backward compatibility): 

VOLUME "vol" : Sets all containers to the specific volume in dBs. E.g VOLUME -15 or VOLUME -40. VOLUME 0 would bring it back to full volume.

GET VOLUME : Gets the current value set to all containers. Returns volume in dB like -15 or 0 for full volume.

REFRESH AIRTIMES "start_datetime"|"playlist_name" : Refresh the airtimes for the specified log date time or a playlist name can be supplied instead like 2021121812.dpl

REFRESH OVERSWEEPS "start_datetime"|"playlist_name" : Refresh the oversweeps for the specified log date time or a playlist name can be supplied instead like 2021121812.dpl

DELETE PLAYLIST (SOFT|HARD) (id list) : Delete the list of id's from the log either soft or permanently. Id's should be comma separated e.g 2382,39409,12237,232.

RESOLVEROTATES "start_datetime"|"playlist_name" : Resolve the rotates for the specified log date time or a playlist name can be supplied instead like 2021121812.dpl 

UNRESOLVEROTATES "start_datetime"|"playlist_name" : Un-Resolve the rotates for the specified log date time or a playlist name can be supplied instead like 2021121812.dpl

RESOLVESNIPPETS "start_datetime"|"playlist_name" : Resolve the snippets for the specified log date time or a playlist name can be supplied instead like 2021121812.dpl

UNRESOLVESNIPPETS "start_datetime"|"playlist_name" : Un-Resolve the snippets for the specified log date time or a playlist name can be supplied instead like 2021121812.dpl

FADESTOP ["time"] : Puts the system into live mode, fades any players playing from the log and clears any players from the log. If the optional seconds value is supplied then the fade takes place over that time else it's the default fade time.

ASSIGN EXPECTED PLAYERS : Call to reassign the expected players.

SPOT BREAK "time" : Force the log to be cued to the spot break "time".

STREAM LOAD "streamurl" : Set the streamurl to be the stream that plays when STREAM PLAY is called. This will run for 24 hours.

STREAM PLAY : Play the currently loaded stream loaded by the STREAM LOAD command. This will run for 24 hours.

VBAN "command" : Send a command to VoiceMeeter e.g VBAN strip[0].mute=1

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